Lessons to be more confident
Break your comfort zone - There's only one way of peaking your personality/persona and i.e getting out of your comfort zone , same actions can never produce different results ,if you want to feel confident in your skin then you have to make efforts for it. That's pretty lame right ,but the only way to break your comfort zone is to make a decision and never think about the consequences .of course you will have to face failures and things will get awkward for sure but that's the only way how you can learn to deal with unfamiliarity. So do it before regrets starts appearing on your face.
Acceptance - Confidence emanates from self-love .This is not a philosophy but a reality. you will get respect from others when you will start loving yourself .Comparing yourself with others in inevitable and biological , so we as humans cannot overcome this desire to be better but we can understand that human is nuanced and we can always thrive to be a better version of ourselves .Bottom-line is believe in yourself and try to work on things on which you can exercise a sufficient degree of control and leave those things which cannot be controlled.
Reading - Start practicing reading for at least 30 minutes day ,it can be anything a nice book, newspaper, journals whatever you like .I mentioned earlier that humans are nuanced we can never be flawless but great thinkers have been through that part of life where you are stumbled right now , so show a sense of gratitude by reading their ideas and philosophies about life and its meaning.
Mistakes - If you are doing mistakes then trust me you are doing the right thing , the number mistakes is directly proportional to enhanced skill. Failure is the currency to earn success ,so start investing in failures to be more successful.
Stop pleasing people - As social animals , we want to belong, we want to be loved but if you are planning to achieve this by being a "Yes man" ,then after a period of time you will get surrounded by narcissists and shallow personalities .The better option is to be with less people who appreciate your true being and honesty. Pleasing people is like a disease ,we do it to be in the good books but you will be perceived as weak and spineless.
Stop caring about others - We all care at some level or the other. Thing is how to stop giving a fuck ? I know it feels hard , but single solution is to just dive in and let others do the talking . You do it more often , the fear will start shrinking and eventually it will be subside .
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